Putney School logo - white tree.
Elm Lea Circle
The Putney School Impact Report
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Letter from the

Head of School

Danny O'Brien, Head of School

This summer, I read Peter Wohlleben’s Hidden Life of Trees. The author’s assertion that trees form a community, which he calls a "forest family," is causing lots of reevaluation in the field of natural sciences. Wohlleben states that trees communicate with each other through their root systems. They help each other survive by sharing nutrients and warning each other of dangers.

As a community, though, trees form a superorganism. Each tree is an integral part of a larger, interconnected system. They rely on each other. They share resources, communicate, and (no pun intended) root each other on.

I’m sure you can see the analogy I am making: The Putney School is an interconnected community, too.

Your gifts–this and every year–sustain this school, and this ecosystem. I see examples of your generosity everywhere on campus. We received a record-breaking gift to our capital campaign (Sing it Forward), and as you will see in the attached report, an inspiring percentage of the Putney community contributed to our Annual Fund, leading us to soar past our goal.

Thanks to your support of the campaign, two beautiful new dorms welcomed students and faculty members last spring, providing quality shelter to students and employees. Invigorated and refreshed, they, in turn, can offer so much to others.

Your Annual Fund donations enabled five Putney students and five teachers to attend the National Association of Independent School's People of Color Conference and the simultaneous Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Saint Louis. This is both incredibly important work, and quite a feat for a small school.

As part of an interconnected organism, these successes are yours. We are grateful for your support, for believing in our work, and for ensuring that the Putney experience remains extraordinary and will be available to students for generations to come.

With appreciation,


Danny O'Brien, Head of School

Letter from the

Director of Development

Kalya Yannatos, Director of Development

I want to echo Danny’s appreciation for the intrinsic role you play in helping to sustain Putney. It is indeed the many layered roots of Putney’s community that makes Putney possible. Your generosity, partnership and support allow faculty and staff to support and facilitate this cherished student-centered growth experience. Students in turn support the daily life of the campus as they steward land, clean spaces and care for animals. Simultaneously, students emerge into the best version of themselves through their care for and support of each other. The reciprocity inherent within Putney’s cycles and community of support is something that we rely on, and never take for granted. Thank you for all the many gifts, large and small, that have allowed for this caring continuum.

With gratitude,


Kalya Yannatos, Director of Development

By the Numbers